The New Year has begun!

  • Posted on: 26 January 2017

Does anyone else remember that song “Back to school, back to reality”? And if there are any out there like me, all you really looked forward to was meeting up with friends and telling them all about the cool holiday you had -even if you have to invent a few stories so you don’t look uncool! The new stationary was a plus as well, until a few pages into the new writing book and you suddenly don’t feel like this homework anymore! I digress.

The point is, the New Year brings with it a feeling of newness: a new mind-set, new goals, and a new energy to achieve all those goals and be the best student ever! But after a while this new feeling will fade, and the daily grind of classes, assignments and tests will take its toll and you won’t feel like pursuing those goals anymore.

Pieces of advice: How you start will determine how you finish. Get rid of procrastination now or you’ll never get rid of it. And believe me it will stick like one of those ‘friends’ who just have no chill. Start a morning routine, there is plenty of evidence that creating a habit helps you stay motivated, Google it. And keep a dream board (or phone note… or maybe a piece of paper will do too) and daily remind yourself of what you want to achieve.

To all our first year students, welcome, we hope you have the time of your life with us. To all our senior students (yes, if you are in second year you are a senior student! No excuse!) be nice to the newbies. And to all our first time international students, don’t worry, all the things you find weird now, you’ll soon be doing.

Happy New Academic Year!


Your Editor