Be Determined to Succeed

I have never been the type of student who got distinctions, not even an A candidate in high school, but because of determination I pressed on and made it to University and I am now doing my 3rd year. I failed and rose again. I never let the thought of giving up or drop out pass my mind.
Failure will never overtake you if your determination is strong enough. There may be challenges along the journey, but the secret is challenges are healthy for human growth. Without determination you will never reach your goals. The life of student is hectic, there may be time when you feel demotivated at such times it is only determination that can remind you of your academic goal and bring you back to track. Don't let negative people or negative results keep you from achieving your goals.
What makes the difference between success and failure is the strength of your will and the poor of your determination. Some people give up easily, while some fight until the end, please be the one that fights until the end. Never give up until you have finish what you started, let the strength of your desires be very strong.