More Than Just an Internship

Doing an internship has to be one of the most exciting yet the scariest thing a student has to do. I am studying Transport Management and as part of my work placement I was given the opportunity to do my internship at A Van Der Walt Transport in Swakopmund. I started out on a contract of 4 months and this was later extended to a temporary employee contract earlier this year.
During the period of 4 months I learned that customer service is hard. You cannot please everyone, but you just have to do your best in the interest of the company and the customers as well. I feel that during my time interning my most challenging part of my work was having to share my tasks and coordinate my work with others. I have always been kind of a perfectionist and liked to have things done my way, so working with others and sharing duties was a slight change, I must say.
Hands down though, I love the experience I gained as a student. I personally think that the knowledge we get from lectures is crucial in order to blend in the industry. I am glad to say that the time spent attending those "frustrating" 7:30 classes were worth it and really payed off. I now understand that everything taught to us in class prepares us for the industry and sharpens our minds. I encourage all students to find their internships based on their future career plans.